Wellness Offerings
Men's Retreats
Find and catalyze your purpose with like-hearted men from around the world. Feel the support and empowerment of brotherhood!
Quantum Coaching
Work directly with Ben in a 1-On-1 fashion and fast track your growth, healing, and spiriual evolution.
Co-Ed Retreats
Perfect for men, women, and couples. Our co-ed retreats offer a beautiful container balancing the masculine and feminine energies.
Breathwork Facilitator Training
Become a Certified Breathwork specialist through our curated 8-Week breathwork facilitator training.
Sacred Ceremony
Discover your highest expression, and unlock your greatest potential through diving into the infinite within a safe and nurturing space.
Small-Group/Private Retreats
Either you, you and your spouse, or you and your tribe can enjoy a fully accommodated spiritual, transformational retreat including all healing modalities.